Mickie James releases her first music video - Stratusfaction included

TrishStratus.com     April 10, 2013

Since Mickie James released the news that she was filming her first music video and that she had invited Trish Stratus to join her, fans have been eagerly anticipating he final product! Well, it's finally here! The TNA Impact Wrestling superstar and multi-time world champion makes her country music debut with the title track to her debut album "Somebody's Gonna Pay", due in stores May 7. The title track is now at radio and is available on iTunes.

The video made its world premiere yesterday on April 10 on the AOL music site, The Boot to an overwhelmingly positive response. James cast fellow TNA wrestler Magnus aka Nick Aldis to join her in the video as well as long time in-ring rival Trish Stratus.

"This is my first video, so it was wonderful to have so many of my friends join me in front of the camera," said James. "And the fact that Trish and Nick took time out of their schedules to take part in it made it something very special."

Since buzz got out about the two former WWE Diva's connecting for this project, fans have been eagerly anticipating what sort of action they would get to see. Now, the wait is over, and fans are sure to find the ending ... smashing!

The video was directed by Blake Judd of Judd Films for Entertainment One (eONE) Music Nashville.

Download "Somebody's Gonna Pay" »
Read official press release »

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