Fan Forum Five: #babystratus edition round two

Trish Stratus     September 13, 2013

Once again, I loved reading all of your questions for our second #babystratus edition! Can you believe how the time has flown, I am 9 months pregnant and Max could join us literally any day now! As I've indicated on Twitter, I'm obviously in full babymode now. I moved to a new house this week, so between the packing and unpacking, the baby prep, nursery set-up and finishing up all my business obligations, it's been quite hectic but it's all getting done, slowly by surely!

I wanted to thank all of you for your support on this journey, it really has been a lot of fun sharing each step with you guys. Stay tuned right here as the whole team at is so excited about the impending arrival of little Max and they will be bringing you the latest updates right up until the big day!

As the countdown to the due date ticks away, let's jump to your questions:

Q: Whats the first present your baby got from you? -Marcela (@mars_gonzalez)
A: All the books tell you about the special 'take-home' outfit which you pack in the hospital bag. And, since I'm such a keener, I of course have had my hospital bag packed for months now. So, one of the first things I got for baby Max was a personalized sleeper. As I started looking around to find the perfect sleeper, the whole discussion of zippers versus snaps started to come up. So, I read mommies views on this and I came across the Halo Sleepsack Swaddler. This concept was created by Bill Schmid who after losing his firstborn to SIDS created this company and a new way to approach baby sleeping safety. It's basically a wearable blanket that replaces loose blankets in the crib that can cover the baby's face and interfere with breathing. They then evolved to include a swaddler version. If you don't know what swaddling is – just think of the newborns who are wrapped up tight in a blanket – I like to call them baby burritos. The swaddling helps the baby keep cosy and feel secure like they were in the womb. It also helps regulates baby's temperature.

Pottery Barn Kids offers personalization on the Halo Sleepsacks, so I got Max his first personalized item and then of course, I accessorized! It won't be long now before he'll have his first photos taken in his cute little ensemble!

Q: have you done any baby shopping? -Bilan (@xthankyoutrish)
A: My first baby shopping duties was to find Max's 'take home' outfit and to get his nursery furniture. Next on my list was to get all the newborn essentials – boring stuff like thermometer, diapers, wipes, etc. Once I had all the necessities, it was time for a little fun! Let me tell you, it is so hard to resist not buying a million little outfits because everything is so cute and it's the first time you're out and you can actually see your baby in these little outfits! However, you have to hold back because at the baby shower you can expect a bunch of outfits and accessories so it is best to practice a bit of restrain. And, I'm glad I did because boy, was he spoiled at his baby shower! Put it his way he will be a well-dressed bambino until he is about 2 years old!

The one outfit I couldn't resist buying was this little outfit from Cater's! It's so small he'll probably only wear it once in the first week and then it won't fit anymore!

Q: What is the theme of your nursery going to be in?! P.S. : I bet your getting excited for babystratus Smile -Karen Yarborough (@karenandbobby02)

A: In the last #babystratus edition I talked about my obsession with Restoration Hardware and I am happy to report Max's nursery furniture finally arrived this week! So, this weekend we put together his crib and laid out his dresser (which will also act as his diaper changestation), and his glider/rocker chair.

The color theme is grey and white with the elements having a distressed, vintage feel to it. I'm not a big fan of crazy, colorful animals, so the mighty grey elephant played into the theme perfectly. There are many feng shui energies that are associated with bringing the elephant into a room including protection, good luck and wisdom. I also love the symbolic meanings behind elephants which are strength, honor, stability and patience as well as a strong sense of loyalty to the family.

Just thought I'd mention while his room will be grey, he'll have plenty of color his playroom which will be filled with those crazy, colorful animals and toys thanks to his amazing score at his shower! The reason I went with the grey is it is subdued, quiet and reserved, so it does not stimuate, energize or excite. Grey is solid and stable and it is said it creates a sense of calm and composure. I wanted Max's room to feel safe and he'll know it is the place we go to wind down, and get ready for sleepytime. And, when it's time to discover and learn – we'll go to the playroom!

Q: First wrestling move performed by #babystratus will be?......-Stephen Smith (@englanda)
A: cerivxbuster

Q: With the Baby coming soon, and Halloween on the horizon what will you dress your baby up as? If a girl (a bald Molly holly) or boy (mini Stone Cold Steve Austin)? -Deeper Dennis (@DeeperDennis)
A: I'm so excited to dress Max up for Halloween but to be honest, I haven't given much thought to his costume! Thanks for the suggestions, those are good if he is in fact bald, but according to my ultrasound, we may be seeing some hair on Max's head!

I would love to hear what my Stratuspherians think, leave me some ideas for Max's Halloween costume in the comments below!

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