Kurt Angle joins Trish Stratus in Toronto

TrishStratus.com     February 2, 2001

Photo: TrishStratus.com
Trish and Kurt Angle were at the XFL launch last night at the Playdium at John and Richmond.

The XFL launches tomorrow in Las Vegas as the Xtreme take on the New Jersey Hitmen.

RELATED: Top 5 Trish & Kurt Angle moments

Live Audio Wrestling CWO Jeff Marek says he was impressed with all the stars who came out to the event, adding he is happy to see that all of Trish's hard work is paying off.

"I found it impressive that considering that Trish has been on the WWF the shortest amongst all the people who were there, she was easily the most popular performer at the event," says Marek. "We are all happy to see Trish having success in the WWF."

Other stars who were in Toronto were WWF Superstar Christian. The party was rocking as over 1000 fans showed up to watch SmackDown! and celebrate a brand new football season.

"It's great to be back home in Toronto in front of my fans," says Trish. "The WWF has done a great job putting on this party and it has been awesome meeting everyone."

Kurt Angle went through the frustration of losing some of his luggage at the airport but added that being on TrishStratus.com was one of the highlights of his trip.

"I've got to tell you, being on TrishStratus.com almost makes up for my luggage," laughed Angle.

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