The anthology of Trish's entrance music     March 17, 2015

The entrance music for a WWE Superstar is an integral part of their entire persona. It is sets the tone for their match and it readies the crowd with the first taste of their personality.

We have gathered the music that Trish has used to deliver Stratusfaction to and from the ring.

"T&A" (2000-2001)

Trish's first entrance music came when she was with Test and Albert as T&A. The hard rock feel was emblematic of the power that the tag team held as they competed during the Attitude Era. Soon, however, Trish broke out on her own.

Val Venis: "Hello Ladies (Remix)" (2000)

"Stratusfaction" (2001-2002)

Keeping the rock edge to her music, Trish's first solo entrance music was heavy on guitar riffs but had a tease of sensuality which Trish was known for in her early days of WWE action. The music still resonates with fans who crave chord-based entrances.

Christian: "My Peeps" (2004)

"Time To Rock & Roll" performed by Lil' Kim (2002-present)

Arguably Trish's most famous entrance music was created by Lil' Kim, custom made for the future WWE Hall of Famer. Holding elements of rock that was Trish's signature sound, the music incorporates elements of rap and R&B into the mix for the perfect entrance to use, whether fighting for good or showing off her bad side.

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