Fan Forum Five: 9th edition

Trish Stratus     July 22, 2015

In what will most likely be the most talked about edition of Fan Forum Five, Trish addresses the ever popular question of wrestling one more match with a must-read response!

Other topics include who'd she'd like to see in the WWE Hall of Fame and The Walking Dead.

If you have a suggestion for a theme or a guest for a future edition of Fan Forum Five, shout it out to Trish using the hashtag #ff5 on Twitter.

Take it away, Trish!

Q: 3 wrestler's you would like to see inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame? -Laura (@lulu_2401)
  1. Kurt Angle

  2. Paul Heyman

  3. The Honky Tonk Man

And in the celebrity wing: Cyndi Lauper

Q: Who would you want an epic rematch with? It could be a tag team too... -Inam
A: Rematch? So, you're saying face again? Well, how about I combine your question in my answer:

I have a rematch with Beth Phoenix. I loved working with her the 2 times we did work together (plus the phantom time where she got her jaw broken, which apparently only exists in ours and our fans' minds)! So, I'd go with her for a few weeks so we could get some good wrasslin' in (while our babies and hubbies hang out backstage).

Wait, that's not all – this is a several part answer... After being overly stratusfied, she finally calls out her former partner Natalya and the Divas of Doom terrorize me for a couple of weeks. Out of this I eventually get that dream match I've always said I've wanted, which is a singles match with Natalya. It would be submission match and the winner would get a cute little 'Canadian Women's Wrestler' Championship belt which is adorned with a spinner Maple Leaf. After we put on an ironwoman-esque match (what it later becomes known as), we come to the finish which obvie involves some sharpshooter reversals. She hits hers, I reverse, then I hook her in my sharpshooter. She goes to tap, but...

Out of nowhere, a run-in by Gail Kim – because obviously as a Canadian, this is a title she covets. She knocks me off Natalya (who is now barely conscious), and Gail shoots me off the ropes and hooks her famous Christo finisher. Just as I'm almost out of stratus-power – here comes another canuck, Angelina Love! She sweeps Gail's feet and I hit the mat face first, but Gail still has her Christo finisher applied. Angelina peels Gail off me and she applies her world renowned Cramp finisher. The crowd again erupts as Love's ex-BFF, Velvet Sky runs in and dropkicks Angelina in the head. She releases Gail, who did not find that to be a happy ending, and she rolls out of the ring writhing with cramp pain. As Angelina and Velvet have some words with lots of finger pointing and head-cocking, Natalya and I start to come to and realize there are two women from another wrestling company in our ring, and during our match to boot! We look at each other and for a moment join forces to represent WWE (and Canada). We give a knowing nod, and we proceed to deliver a barrage of flippers and forearms to the couple formerly known as the Beautiful People. I hit a Chick Kick and Natalya chooses from the plethora of suplexes she delivers and we show the WWE Universe what the true meaning of 'Knockout' is!

The crowd is pretty excited about that and we can't help but feel it too so we celebrate in the ring for a little, until the Glamazon rushes the ring to show her sister of destruction that she is not cool with this Canadian camaraderie. The two blond bombshells then proceed to attack me and then... DeNa, Denah, De, De, DeNa, Denah... Here comes my Bestie!! Amy, the artist formerly known as Lita, Godmother of Max and mother of The Kenz hits her Twist of Fate on Beth so that the Phoenix is no longer rising and she shoots Natalya off the ropes. As she comes off the ropes, I mount her like the RCMP mounts their horse and hit her with my Air Canada (the modified Lou Thesz Press I stole – er, borrowed from Stone Cold Steve Austin, with his permission, of course). As she tries to break free of the kafuffle, I grab a handful of hair and yank her head in tight against my bosoms, point like Babe Ruth and deliver Stratusfaction. I go to pin her and my extreme partner shouts "it's submission match, bestie!" I apparently got so excited, I was like JoJo the Circus Clown and forgot that I need her to tap! I shake it off, stand up and hoist Nattie to her feet – and, I flip that sumbitch sideways... er, sideways twice, so she's on her belly, and snap on a sharpshooter. Charles Robinson, who has been utterly confused for the last twenty two and a half minutes, hits the mat and give us the 1 - 2 - 3 and calls for the bell. He gives me the Canadian Women's Wrestler belt, Lilian Garcia introduces me as the 'NEW Canadian Women's Wrestler' and I proceed to corner hop and point as my bestie proudly looks on.

Just as my bestie and I take our final bow (and point), Lil' Kim's voice stops singing about my keys to the city and we get jumped from behind by another famous duo from Raw. The action is once again halted as Stephanie McMahon comes out and announces a tag match for the following week. Fill in the blanks (and use the hashtag) to tell me what match you think the Billion Dollar Princess has set... #FF5TeamBestievs___________

How's that for epic, Inam?

Tweet Trish your picks »

Q: What's Been Your Favorite Thing about the #TeamBestie tour -J.T. (@121875Raywwe1)
A: Getting to meet all of you guys! The environment is usually so laid back at these appearances, we get to spend a little time - more than we would normally get at a WWE signing, which would just shuffle people through because of a time restraint. I love being in the different cities and when you guys come and tell me specific stories about the times we performed in your city. It's like those experiences, being able to watch our show live, connected you with us and to hear about it years later is pretty cool!

And, of course, I love hanging with my Bestie as well. Plus, we try to make trips of each of our stops and do a little sight seeing. Also, it's fun because Amy and I bring our little guys (The Kenz and Max) and we've even wrangled our whole family together, like our trip to North Carolina, we stayed at a Beach House and we both brought our moms and of course Ron was the man of the house!

Q: Who would you choose and why as your team if you could only have past or present wrestling personalities in a Walking Dead world ?!? -Joseph (@WarriorMode)

- Victoria - she's crazy enough to take on any zombie.

- The Undertaker - obviously the dead would be able to take on the undead pretty effectively.

- Kane - I don't think zombies do well in fire, so that would be an asset.

- The Boogeyman - something just tells me he would handle himself well in that environment.

- Ivory - she would be the Carol of the group.

- Stone Cold Steve Austin - he seems well versed in the hunting arena. That would be helpful.

- Brooklyn Brawler - if you ever heard the story about how he taught me to be sexy, I think he could probably teach me how to act undead, in the event we needed to try to 'blend' within a bunch of zombies. Plus, I remember times backstage where he could turn a long, boring day into a fun, interesting day. That would probably come in handy in a Walking Dead world.

Q: Do you still keep in touch with you're ex co-workers in wwe like Mickie James, Victoria etc? -Hafsa (@hafsaaaox)
A: I do! Of course, you guys know me and my bestie Amy Dumas are tight. But, I've managed to keep in touch with many of my former co-workers. Mick Foley and I are happy with the effort we've put in post-WWE, we always talk about how hard it is to remain in touch with the people you were once so close with, but we've managed to keep up with each other and support one another, whether it is on social media with a cause or a project we are working on. And, certainly, any time someone comes to Toronto, like when Mick performed his show "Hardcore Legend", I was front row – even onstage with him! Speaking of stage, when Jim Ross was in Toronto, I did the same with him. He asked me if I would be guest on his show, which I jumped at the chance to support him and be a part of his awesome show. After that we grabbed dinner, with our mutual friend Carl DeMarco, former president of WWE Canada. Carl is another one I've stayed in touch with. We often get together and as of late, we have gotten together to swap baby stories, as he and his wife have recently welcomed a child. Having children also seems to be a natural connecter it seems! Mickie and I talk all the time and now our chats are about breastfeeding and poopies. Adam and I have been friends for over 15 years, he was one of my first friends in WWE and our Canadian connection and corniness is what probably has kept us friends over the years. And, now him and the wifey Beth and I are all about the baby talk as their daughter Lyric is 2 or 3 months younger than Max. Victoria and I recently got to see each other at Women In Wrestling Fan Expo. It had been a while since she left TNA, because when she was with the company, we would stay with me whenever they came to Toronto. My girl Lilian and I have had quite a few visits post-WWE, like when Ron and I were a part of her and Chris' wedding in NYC – we were so honored to be there! And, I was so happy to see what a beautiful bride she was, she was so happy! I stay in touch with many of my co-workers via text and for the most part, whenever anyone comes through Toronto, they know my home is open to them...

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