Trish congratulates Jacqueline on WWE HOF nod

Jon Waldman     March 14, 2016

Another female competitor from WWE's Golden Era of women's wrestling has been named to the company's Hall of Fame, as earlier today Jacqueline was announced as the latest member of the class of 2016.

"I was very excited to hear about Jackie's induction, she is definitely a women who belongs in WWE's Hall of Fame," Trish Stratus said. "Jackie was one of the first women to really welcomed me into the WWE ring, and when I say that I do mean, she was the first to really kick my ass! And, honesty, I can't thank her enough for what she did for me in my early years. I will always appreciate her patience and her professionalism while showing me the ropes. I learned a lot from her and took away a ton that I used in my wrestling career moving forward."

Jacqueline and Trish battled several times in WWE, including at Vengeance 2001, Trish's first Women's Championship defense on pay-per-view.

Jacqueline's remarkable career in wrestling began in territories such as Memphis before hitting the national stage with WCW in 1997. She later moved on to WWE where she won the Women's Championship, becoming the first African-American competitor to do so. Later, she crossed the gender barrier and defeated Chavo Guerrero to win the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. Jacqueline also competed in TNA and FMW in her remarkable career and still occasionally competes today.

Jacqueline joins Sting, the Fabulous Freebirds, the Godfather and Big Boss Man in this year's WWE Hall of Fame Class, which will be formally inducted on Saturday, April 2nd at the American Airlines Center in Dallas.

Exclusive: Names on Trish's HOF scroll revealed; DVD available 5/14

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