Baby number 2 to arrive soon!     January 13, 2017

As Trish and her family (and fans!) eagerly await the arrival of her second child, we thought we would check in with her about her pregnancy and her soon-to-be expected bundle of joy!

At this writing, how far along are you?

I am 39+ weeks! I'm in the homestretch with the due date being Monday, January 16, 2017. So, she could come at any point!

You recently did an interview with Lilian Garcia for her new podcast 'Making Their Way to the Ring' (WATCH) and she began the interview with some exciting news – that you are having a girl! Do you have a name picked out?

We do! We are naming her Madison, and will call her Madi for short. I thought Max + Madi had a nice ring to it.

How has this pregnancy been?

I'm very lucky that like with my pregnancy with Max, it has been symptom-free. In fact, because of that, it has flown by! Besides my gigantic belly, I have barley noticed I am pregnant. And by that I mean, I've managed to continue all my normal activities from working out to running my business, plus, the running around that is required with a toddler. Like the first time around and I'm sure because I have had no complications, I can honestly say, I love being pregnant! Thankfully because I have felt great the whole time and just the miracle of what is happening in my body, I am cherishing this special time in my life. And, it has been wonderful to see how excited and inquisitive Max has been about the arrival of his new sister. I feel so blessed that I am able to give him a sibling and that I am able to give Ron a little girl.

As you mentioned, you have managed to keep up your workout regime. With your first pregnancy, you talked about how you did 100 squats everyday for the whole 40 weeks! Has your workout approach been the same?

Actually, I can share with you, that we had bit of a tough time conceiving the second time around, so when I finally got pregnant I was being super cautious and following my caregivers guidance to take it easy. With my last pregnancy, I was hitting those 100 squats daily, doing circuit training, running, and hitting the weights. I even remember doing pushups right until my belly started to hit the floor!

This pregnancy it has been more about listening and responding to my body's needs. Max and I were taking daily walks – until it got freezing up here in Toronto but my yoga practice and meditation has been a constant. I have modified my practice with each trimester and have focused on things like hip opening poses and breathing. From my first labor and delivery, I can appreciate the important role breathing played – I really felt it was my control of breath and thus control of body that allowed me to have such a manageable time with my delivery. Oh, and as I discovered, the fact that I have an extremely high pain tolerance due to my former working conditions – helped immensely!

Any cravings? What has been your 'go-to' as far as, as you like to say, nu-TRISH-ion?

When I say symptom-free, this is what I mean! Along with no bloating, constipation, or heartburn typically experienced during pregnancy – I also have not had any cravings! Don't get me wrong, I have definitely had my fair share of free ticket goodies over the last 39 weeks, but like my last pregnancy, I am super keen about what I put into my body during this time. I always make sure I include certain things in my daily intake – and as long as I have done that, I have had no problems indulging here and there.

I make a smoothie almost everyday so I start my day getting in my greens, protein, veg and fruit. Most days avocados and eggs will find their way onto my plate as it's easy way to get in some good fats and calories and the vitamin choline from eggs which is important for expecting moms. My snacking go-tos haven't changed – larabars and nuts and of course, I literally sprinkle hemp seeds on everything! I'm drinking minimum 2L of water a day and that includes coconut water, which is super hydrating and full of electrolytes and certain pregnancy friendly teas.

Is Madison's nursery ready?

No! It's funny, with the first baby, you can't help but be on top of everything. The second time around, things are way more relaxed. Plus, it's busy with a three year old! Same as we did with Max, Madi will be staying in our room for the first 6 months of her life, so there isn't a big rush to get her into her own room right away anyway.

I loved doing Max's nursery, which has a rustic, distressed look throughout. And, I loved combining the elements and searching for those accessories that pulled everything together. I gravitated towards the same look for Madi – but with a more feminine feel, with special attention to it not being too girly (I'm having a hard time getting over all this pink that apparently goes with having a girl!). Overall, it has a vintage glam feel to it and I'm really having fun pulling all the pieces together for it. Here is my inspiration board – I put this together when I was planning Madi's shower and people where asking for gifts to go with her room.

We understand the shower reflected the same look as Max's nursery and that it was lovely.

Yes! We had her shower in November but I have been so busy in the last few months getting items scratched off my 'things I won't be able to do once I have a newborn' list (my team and I actually do have a real list going!), but I plan on sharing her shower soon on! I love the way it turned out!

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