Hey everyone!! Welcome to my cyber-home sweet home!!

Trish Stratus     September 9, 1999

Thank you so much for being patient with me as far as my updates and stuff go – and, man, do I have a lot of new stuff to share with you!!

I just finished up my publicity tour and I've been on the road for the past 5 months, so you can imagine I'm a little behind with my business!! But, I'm back in town now and I've turned my full focus towards my web site!! I always get so behind with everything while I'm on tour, but I really love doing it!! First of all, I got to meet so many of you guys and – now that I'm working with some great folks at Competitor Communications Inc., I can revamp my site using all the input you guys offered!!

This year's tour opened up a lot of new doors for me. Not only did I make guest appearances at supplement stores, gyms and fitness/bodybuilding events; I was also a guest at a few major comic book expos. This lead to negotiations towards my own comic book!! Can you believe it; I'm so excited – they want to base a whole character on me. Talk about coming full circle. I've always been a fan of comic art, in fact when I began to train my body; I was basing my development on the look the women in comic art portray. So, to become an actual comic superheroine now means so much to me – We're still in the early stages, but I'll keep you up dated on the progress… I'll post the first sketches as soon as I have them.

Let's see, what else is new – y'know what - why don't you just come on in and check it out for yourself. Right now I have all my newest 'news' items posted and the comment board is up (so, drop me a message). Witnin the next short while, I'll have a ton of new pictures up (great new stuff from my latest shoots and covers and also some goodies from my personal album!!) And, don't fret, the store will be up and running soon ... It's just that I have a bunch of new items, I wanna show you all of them so you can order right on-line - yes, with a credit card opition too!! Trust me all this is gonna be worth the wait... my new site will have everything it did before and then some - most importantly, my training section is going to be better than ever, it's going to offer - hey, I don't want to spoil the surprise, so check back soon, okay? For now, I'll see you inside...

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