Exclusive: Trish Stratus x Chalk Line collaborate on second jacket

TrishStratus.com     January 29, 2021

There is some exciting news to celebrate Royal Rumble week.

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TrishStratus.com in conjunction with Chalk Line is excited to announce that a second Trish Stratus jacket will be released this spring in their popular WWE Fanimation line.

"We are thrilled to be able to bring fans another Trish jacket," says Chalk Line. "Having input directly from Trish has made this jacket that much more meaningful! We are beyond grateful to be celebrating Trish's career, someone who contributed so much to The Attitude Era, an Era most meaningful to our fans!"

The follow-up jacket to the 2019 release gives nod to the first-ever all women's Royal Rumble. With a black and gold color scheme, Trish is pictured on the back donning her hit Rumble look with the Wonder Stratus logo featured prominently.

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With Trish collaborating on the design, Stratuspherians know Stratusfaction is guaranteed!

"This all stemmed from a conversation with Chalk Line when my first jacket was released. We thought it would be cool to drop this during Royal Rumble week and cement the importance of the first-ever all-women's Royal Rumble," said Trish. "I know the imagery used resonates with my Stratuspherians, so the goal was to deliver something to them that embodied the significance of that event."

Without further ado, here's your first peek. Tell us your thoughts in the comments below ... are you Stratusfied?

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