Molly Holly to enter WWE Hall of Fame     March 10, 2021

Photo: WWE

One of Trish's biggest rivals is joining her in the WWE Hall of Fame.

Nora Greenwald, better known as Molly Holly, was revealed as the first inductee in the 2021 class during WWE's The Bump as Shane Helms made the emotional announcement.

Trish was excited to learn the news about her friend and former rival.

"Nora is one of the very best in this business! I had the privilege of working with her at the beginning of my career; she helped shape my foundation of who I became in the ring. She is one of the most giving workers I've ever worked with, and she's done so much for this business. I'm happy to see her get the recognition she so deserves finally!"

Holly gained exposure in WCW, where she also trained the women before jumping to WWE in 2000. She was signed to work with Trish as the company was seeking in-ring workers to build the newly resurrected women's division. She was introduced as the cousin of Hardcore and Crash, who was in a storyline with Trish and T&A. They would compete in a 6-person tag team match at Survivor Series. In the weeks leading up to the PPV, Trish and Molly had singles matches that helped bring legitimacy and credibility to the women’s division with innovative matches to engage crowd reactions.

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In 2002, Holly broke out as a singles star during a several-month-long program where she feuded with Trish, leading to her first-ever WWE Women's Championship.

Later in her career, she would reign once again as Women's Champion and defend the title on a WrestleMania stage in a hair vs hair match vs. Victoria. She also aligned with Trish and Gail Kim in a 'Mean Girls' group that unfortunately got cut short. (READ WHY)

In 2005, she mutually agreed to part ways with WWE.

Holly made multiple appearances in the Royal Rumble and was part of Evolution in recent years.

Holly will join the Hall on Tuesday, April 6th, where for the first time, WWE will induct the classes of both 2021 and 2020, which was postponed due to the pandemic. The ceremony will be streamed live on Peacock.

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