Want to give - or get some Stratusfaction for the holidays?

TrishStratus.com     December 12, 2002

We are pleased to announce the auction of the 'Trish Stratus' debut outfit on eBay. Just in time for the holidays, we have released an exclusive item which is sure to bring 100% Stratusfaction Guaranteed, here's some info on the first - ever official auction of one of Trish Stratus' event worn outfits:

March 19, 2000 marked the beginning of an era of Stratusfaction as Trish Stratus made her television debut on Sunday Night HeAT. Strutting down the ramp in her now signature look of sexy short skirt, boots, cowboy hat and long jacket, Trish Stratus' outfit of choice could not have been more Stratus-fying.

"With my debut, seeing as this was the first time World Wrestling fans would be seeing me, I wanted my outfit to make an impact by being both sexy and strong" recalls Trish Stratus. "I was very aware that I wanted to establish a sense of style, and have a distinctive look that would be remembered and make Trish Stratus, the character, stand out".

This auction is for the outfit Trish Stratus wore for her television debut on WWE programming on March 19, 2000. Both skirt and top are personally autographed by Trish Stratus in permanent black marker.

Trish Stratus herself has decided to put this piece up for auction, we recognize the importance of authenticity so the winner will receive the items as well as the picture showing Trish with the items, which will be personally signed by Trish, congratulating the winner (including the winners name).

To bid on this item go to www.ebay.com Good Luck and happy bidding!

Also, check out the new updates throughout the site, especially the merchandise section for some new items! We are offering five new 8 x10 glossy photos, a signed copy of OXYGEN magazine (you will receive the entire magazine with a great article and pictures inside and the cover personally autographed), and a beautiful high gloss poster by Steve Stanley autographed by both the artist and Trish Stratus. Check it out!

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