Linda McMahon's political opponent uses infamous Trish segment against her in Senate race

Brian Lusczki     March 27, 2010

Who can forget the March 5th, 2001 episode of Monday Night Raw, when WWE Chairman Vince McMahon forced Trish Stratus to get on her knees, bark like dog and then strip down to her underwear.

"I used to have a female dog, and that [explicit deleted] did everything I told her to do," McMahon said. "Speak Trish, speak. Damn it, bark like a dog."

Linda McMahon's U.S. Senate opponent, Rob Simmons, certainly hasn't forgotten. His campaign included the controversial segment in a video package released Thursday to highlight World Wrestling Entertainment's use of sex and violence among other claims.

A spokesman for McMahon's campaign was quick to issue a response to the internet video.

"Rob Simmons has put all his time and resources and energy into making wrestling the predominant narrative in this race, and he's been successful in doing that, to an extent," Ed Patru said. "But the 38-point free fall he's experienced in the polls as a result speaks for itself. Voters in Connecticut know the difference between soap opera entertainment and real issues, and the momentum behind Linda's campaign is there because people have lost faith in career politicians, and they want a senator with a proven track record of job creation."

The original story can be found here.

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