's top 10 most read stories of 2015     December 30, 2015

The most read stories of 2015 was all about Team Bestie, video games and the unlikely pairing of Trish Stratus and Kane.

The year kicked off with an exclusive Team Bestie photoshoot of Trish Stratus and Amy 'Lita' Dumas as well as the announcement of their multi-city tour for 2015. The release of a Topps card featuring Trish & Lita on the same collectible card with the Bella Twins caused quite a stir, feeding into the buzz that had circulated earlier in the year for an anticipated WrestleMania face-off. Another Diva that made waves at was Mickie James. We asked Stratuspherians to name a third member if the Hall of Fame duo decided to add another member to Team Bestie. The James Gang made themselves heard as the votes for Mickie James flooded the poll.

It seemed 2015 was the year of the 'virtual Trish'. The first Trish Stratus render showed up in the Mortal Kombat spin-off WWE Immortals. And most recently, we saw her next-gen debut in WWE 2K16 to rave reviews.

Finally, there was no shortage of interest in the hilarious love story presented between the demon Kane & Trish.

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