's top 10 most read stories of 2021     December 28, 2021

2021 was about reunions, celebrations, and of course, stratusfaction.

The year kicked off with the announcement of Trish collaborating with Chalk Link on thé design of a new jacket, which was launched in April.

One of our most successful t-shirt launches came with the help of’s own Stratuspherians with a design a t-shirt contest. Your vote selected artist Zoe’s design, which went into production and went directly into the hands of its voters!

We hosted our first-ever TrishMania scavenger hunt found plenty of happy detectives with many goodies and giveaways!

We saw a reunion between Trish Stratus and Mickie James for an episode of WWE Playback. And a reunion of fitness modeling pioneers when Stratus sat down with Monica Brant in her most extensive interview ever!

However, the biggest news items by far were the announcement of Trish being added to the judging panel of Canada’s Got Talent and being named the number one greatest female in WWE history.

With a number of deals and contracts already signed to close out the year – we can tell you that 2022 is shaping up to be even a more stratusfying year – some things we can’t wait to share!

Look back at the top 10 most read stories of 2021 by you!

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