Trish's theme song "Time to Rock & Roll" by Lil' Kim turns 20     October 7, 2022

Giggle... ohhh

Whether she was kicking ass, setting records, or playing a bad girl – one thing remained constant: that tune. As Jim Ross would say, "business picked up" whenever you heard it.

Of course, we are talking about Trish Stratus' iconic entrance music.

The WWE Universe heard the giggle for the first time on this day (October 7, 2002). Stratus previously used two stock themes, but it would be the song performed by rap legend Lil Kim that would be her calling card.

RELATED: The anthology of Trish's entrance music

As Stratus' character evolved, the feeling was that she needed new theme music. When asked what she was looking for, Stratus said she wanted something she could vibe to and something the fans could feel out there – perhaps even sing along to. She knew she wanted a strong and impactful song, and as a hip-hop fan, she suggested going with that genre. When asked what artist she had in mind, Stratus said Lil' Kim. "I didn't think I'd ACTUALLY get Lil' Kim!" But somehow, the stars would align, and Queen Bee was on board to back Stratus' new entrance music. Kim met with former WWE Composer Jim Johnston to record the vocals. The track titled "Time to Rock & Roll" was released on the WWE Anthology album in the fall of 2002.

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Music is an essential piece of a character in professional wrestling. It sets the tone and stage, as it's the first thing the crowd hears and reacts to. And that first note can really accelerate a crowd reaction. The giggle at the top of Stratus' song undoubtedly falls into that category. Some of the most iconic themes had just that, including Stone Cold's "glass shatter," The Rock's "If You Smell," and The Undertaker's "gong." When you heard these sounds, you knew exactly who was walking through that curtain and what to expect.

@trishstratuscom#gigglechallenge#duet#timetorocknroll#lilkimoriginal sound - Trish Stratus

"Sometimes I wonder, how I made it this far. With all these people hatin’ on me, Ya'll know who you are."

The lyrics were important to Stratus. She wanted to tell her character's story and how she had gotten there. Finding the right words was key to embodying the evolution of her character and in-ring skills.

The Trish Stratus x Lil' Kim collab proved to be a perfect match and that song will forever be linked to Stratus' biggest moments. It is a tune that has played in arenas worldwide for two decades. One that represents the woman and her meteoric rise in the industry. And one that brought the crowd to their feet when she stepped out from behind the curtain – when the giggle hit – they knew it was indeed 'time to rock & roll.'

Full lyrics:

Woah, it's time to rock & roll
Woah, this time I'm in control
Woah, right now I own the streets
I got the keys to the city
That’s cause I get down
Woah, time to rock & roll
This time I'm in control
Woah, right now I own the streets
I got the keys to the city
that’s cause I get down

Sometimes I wonder
How I made it this far
With all these people hatin’ on me
Ya'll know who you are
Take a chance and try to come up
In this game bein’ the star
Now I own the keys to a
brand new fancy car baby
It's my turn to burn and now
I'm here to rub it in your face


When will you learn I'm queen
And I'll put you in your place

Woah, it's time to rock & roll
Woah, this time I'm in control
Woah, right now I own the streets
I got the keys to the city
That’s cause I get down
Woah, time to rock & roll
This time I'm in control
Woah, right now I own the streets
I got the keys to the city
That’s cause I get down

(Bounce, bounce, bounce)
How dare you try to go against the glorious hunters
I’ll slaughter you son it's over
the story is done
You can be number two
But I'm second to none
But you forgot Queen Bee's the notorious one
Uh baby, baby, baby, baby
I'm créme de la créme
So you can never play me
See I'm more than a lady
I'm more than a lover
More than a fighter


Please try to understand that
I'm gonna stay at the top
Cause I don't give a damn
I don't care whatcha'll say
I'm gonna keep doing me
I can't fade me

Woah, it's time to rock & roll
Woah, this time I'm in control
Woah, right now I own the streets
I got the keys to the city
That's cause I get down
Woah, time to rock & roll
This time I'm in control
Woah, right now I own the streets
I got the keys to the city
that’s cause I get down

Woah, it's time to rock & roll
Woah, this time I'm in control
Woah, right now I own the streets
I got the keys to the city
That’s cause I get down
Woah, time to rock & roll
This time I'm in control
Woah, right now I own the streets
I got the keys to the city
That’s cause I get—

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