WWE Owner Vince McMahon on Trish barking like a dog

Brian Lusczki     July 31, 2010

World Wrestling Entertainment owner Vince McMahon responded to an online ad by a Democratic group that slams his wife Linda McMahon in her race for U.S. Senate.

The group calling itself "Mothers Opposing McMahon" put together a montage of clips showing female wrestlers being humiliated and objectified from 2001 through 2003, including Linda McMahon slapping her daughter in the ring. However, no clip more notable than when [Vince] McMahon made Trish Stratus get on her knees and bark like a dog.

"Everybody hates an arrogant boss – not that I'm like that in real life. A lot of people could relate to that. Was that a little bit over the top from time to time? No question," McMahon told the Connecticut Post. "I think a lot of our environment in the past is held up as who we are today, which of course is just not the case. It's just politically expedient to do so."

This isn't the first time Stratus is the subject of one of these ads. We posted an earlier story about Linda McMahon's opponent, Rob Simmons using the same footage in one of his campaigns.

You can view the "Mothers Opposing McMahon" ad here.

Linda McMahon's political opponent uses infamous Trish segment against her in Senate race

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